The first Latvian national road network (1918-1938)

The 20th century is particularly significant in Latvian history. During this period, unquestionable progress was made in the development of society. Major transformations took place in various fields. Initially it was a fight for survival, intertwined with an effort to preserve the Latvian nation as a community, as well as its culture. The three most significant dates of the 20th century for Latvia were 1918, 1940 and 1991, marking the creation, destruction and renewal of an independent state.
Information sheet
- Date: 2014
- Author(s): DZIEDĀTĀJA Indra
- Domain(s): Road Policies / Planning / Project Management / Road Network Operations / Road Assets Management
- Type: RR363 - Road stories
- PIARC Ref.: RR363-096
- Number of pages: 6
This article has been published in the Routes/Roads magazine
N° 363
3e trimestre 2014 / Juillet
Numéro Spécial REAAA - Association technique routière d'Asie et d'Australasie